Arami Walker



Poems In Transit is installed in a building located in Pioneer Square through the Seattle Restored Initiative. For the last  eight months the series of poems and illustrations have existed in an empty store front in the down town area of Seattle, Washington. The intention is to educate and stimulate the city with images, poetry, and inspiration. The apartment above the installation houses over 250 families and the surrounding area is visited by tourists, local businesses, and people passing by. The words and illustrations are illuminated in LED grow lights set to the function of blooming bringing continual light and education in dark spaces through out the city.

We believe that Art is Resilience.

Art + Historic Preservation at the Frye Hotel

217 Yesler Way
Seattle, WA 98104

October 20, 2022 I will be playing a live music show for the Opening of the Exhibition titled, “What is American Art”

Susan Fried 2022 Taken at Langston Hughes Performance Arts Center

Performing Poetry at the Langston Hughes Performance Art Institutes 50th Anniversary Block Party.